milestone album with newborn image

Are you expecting a little one this year and thinking ahead about how to commemorate their first year of life? Then we’ve just got the product for you! The One Year Album combines photos from the maternity, newborn stage, three-month six-month and one year stages beautifully recording all of those amazing milestones of the first year with a Dallas newborn photographer. You can also choose to commemorate each stage separately in their own album or combine two sessions such as a maternity session and a newborn photo session in one album.

milestone albums with colored covers newborn baby on pink background for baby album

Newborn baby in a pink knit outfit touches its face.

The first shoot with your newborn baby is chock full of sweet folded hands on cheeks, kisses from Mom and Dad, and cat naps. Generally, newborns snooze while Jayme, A Dallas newborn photographer, soothes them and snaps photos in soft light. But they may smile in response to touch and surprise.

Here are a few ways to help get your newborn baby to crack a grin from

  • Smile at your baby. Babies often smile in response to others, so starting off with a smile is a good place to start.
  • Give lots of affection, complete with a cooing voice, kisses, and caresses.
  • Play little games with them, like wiggling their feet or playing peek-a-boo.

newborn baby smiling in milestone session for album smiling newborn baby for milestone album

As for clothing, newborn babies can wear soft diapers, hair accessories, or just their birthday suit. We’ll swaddle them in soft fabrics and wrap them in your arms.

And if you have twins (or more), we’ll definitely snap some photos of those baby cuddles!

Two newborn babies kiss one another. newborn twins in milestone session Two newborn babies cuddle on a fluffy white material. Two newborn babies cuddle on a heart-shaped gray fabric.

When these photos are printed in the One Year Album next to your maternity photos, it might amaze you to remember how that wrinkly, soft, rapidly growing newborn was once living inside of you. That’s why we commemorate it. Whether you leave the album on your coffee table or give it as a gift, it serves as a symbol for how you brought new life into the world.

Book a Newborn Session With Miette Photography

Ready to kickstart your baby’s One Year Album? Contact us today and let’s get that newborn photo shoot scheduled.

A woman lies upside down while cradling her newborn.

Next up: Here’s what to expect from a three-month milestone and what special signs of growth you’ll get to celebrate with your baby!

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