Here are some family photos I took a couple of weeks ago on an outdoor game preserve. It was not only 100% SUPER FAMILY FUN TIMES, but it was educational as well. I learned how gravel is sorted. You never know when that will come in handy…

Yes, I actually do post photos on here once in a while. That is, when I remember to stop BLABBING about my personal life and whining about how hard it is being a mom.

By the way, in case you missed my last post about what a crap mother I am, I still am but I am not letting it bother me as much. Hmmm…so what I’m saying is that it is ok to be a bad mommy?


I’m saying that I am not perfect. And neither are you. And neither is your neighbor. And our parents CERTAINLY were not – just ask your therapist. Keeping that in mind, give yourself a break.

Calm down.

Eat a sandwich.

Super Family Fun Times | Outdoor Location Photography Super Family Fun Times | Outdoor Location Photography Super Family Fun Times | Outdoor Location Photography Super Family Fun Times | Outdoor Location Photography Super Family Fun Times | Outdoor Location Photography Super Family Fun Times | Outdoor Location Photography Super Family Fun Times | Outdoor Location Photography

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